Friday, June 3, 2011

settling into my new life...

its been a very busy busy busy few weeks. and i have been meaning to type up my entry for my blog... and single-mommyhood goes i don't really have all that much time to really do something for myself. but i can say that tonight is a night of getting DRUNK ON SILENCE!!! my son has been sleeping in the same room as me for the past 2 freakin' weeks. as much as i love the Buggy boo, i like my face not being karate chopped in the AM.

i have been busy putting in job applications at a ton of places, and knocking things off of the never ending todo list that i have created for myself, adjusting to life back at my parents house for now [saving up money to have a good nest egg under me]

as far as emotions go... I am getting better at just putting it all behind me. some days i want to rip my-X to shreds for what he put me through for years. but then i remind myself as well as getting reminded that he is in his own abuser type of reality, and nothing I can say is going to change that for him. So, I am just going to put everything that I want to say into a blog post for you all to read.

I am actually creating a list of blog titles in my phone that I am slowly going to get to over the next few months. But for now, good night blog-world :)

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